Monday, July 30, 2007

I had forgotten what it feels like to be an athlete. For the last couple weeks I've been running more and more, so Tibet will be more fun and less painful. I've been happy for the past few months running 10 or 15 miles per week, spaced out over 3 or 4 days, but over the last three weeks or so I've increased it to 35-40 miles a week at 7:15 pace, so not far from where I was when I ran for real.

Almost all of my mileage has been on the treadmill, which is kind of a drag. (I've been for a couple runs outside, but there are too many street-crossings, and I'm pretty sure that by the end I actually felt my lungs burning with all the pollution). The gym I go to is right by school. It has a weight room with some treadmills, bikes, and ellipticals, and a big mirrored room downstairs (where I take belly-dancing. I went to step aerobics there once, which is even more fun and ridiculous when it's in Russian).

The staff all look to be in their 20s (except for one huge frightening blonde guy who looks like he'd be right at home sneering at James Bond), and are probably the most well-manicured group of people I've ever seen. They're stylishly dressed and impeccably coiffed, and furitively appreciate their reflections in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors.

The two televisions show a constant stream of runway models on Fashion TV (at least they're up front about trying to undermine your body image), and pounding club music plays in the background (I turn it down when I think I can get away with it). The whole place sort of has the feel of the gym in "Dodgeball," but I don't mind, it's fine for my purposes. Plus I know I'll appreciate the sauna in the winter.

1 comment:

James said...

Is it one of those naked nordic style saunas?