Sunday, September 9, 2007

Foods I would kill to have a constant supply of: real maple syrup, tofu, Tostitos, Newman's Own salsa, natural crunchy peanut butter, cheddar cheese, brown sugar, chocolate chips, Morningstar Farms vegetarian corn dogs.

Also I want to drive Mom's Prius down highway 81 from Virginia into Tennessee to visit Uncle Sandy up in the hills by Nashville, as the setting sun makes the sky all streaky and pink, with my bare left foot hanging out the window, singing along to my Greatest Hits of Journey CD even though it's scratched to hell and most likely lost by now. On the way I want to stop at Taco Bell. Moscow has its own brand of late-night neon fast-food depravity, but it's harsher and different.

And Rew, I know we haven't been in touch, but you should come too. And unlike that time in Canada, I'll believe you when you tell me we're on the right highway.


James said...

A vegetarian corn dog? ewwwwwww.

Rhubarb said...

shut up, they're good. especially with cheap yellow mustard...mmm...